Comune di Pescara
Il Comune di Pescara svolge attività di promozione dei valori culturali, sociali, educativi, economici, ambientali e sviluppa strategie e piani locali per mantenere attivi e migliorare aspetti essenziali come l'educazione degli adulti e le sue relative politiche. Il suo Dipartimento di Progetti Europei sta implementando una serie di progetti nell’ambito dei programmi Life e Interreg MED. In questo contesto, il Comune di Pescara collabora al progetto europeo Create 2 Evaluate. L'obiettivo di Create 2 Evaluate è di far progredire la formulazione di politiche e programmi efficaci per l’educazione degli adulti attraverso lo sviluppo di strumenti affidabili per la valutazione di queste politiche a vari livelli di governance, in particolare a livello locale/regionale. L'obiettivo specifico è quello di potenziare e dotare i responsabili politici e decisionali di strumenti che permettano di monitorare e valutare efficacemente l'impatto dell'educazione degli adulti. La cooperazione con il Comune di Pescara si basa sui suoi legami diretti relativi al processo di elaborazione delle politiche e sulla sua esperienza nello sviluppo e nella valutazione delle politiche per l'educazione degli adulti a livello locale.
IDP European Consultants è una società attiva nel settore della progettazione europea dal 1996, con sedi in Italia e a Bruxelles. Fondata nel 1996 da un gruppo di esperti in affari europei attivi a Bruxelles dal 1991, IDP assiste clienti pubblici e privati nello sviluppare proposte di successo nel quadro di programmi di finanziamento, come il Framework Programme, Lifelong Learning Programme, Life+, Culture, Daphne, programmi di Cooperazione esterna ed altri. IDP fornisce servizi di consulenza anche ad Università e Centri di Ricerca. Dal 1999 IDP ha aumentato i propri servizi, specializzandosi anche nell’erogazione di formazione specialistica sui finanziamenti europei, i programmi centralizzati e la redazione e gestione di progetti finanziati. IDP eroga formazione a professionisti e dirigenti del settore pubblico e privato. In aggiunta a questo quadro, IDP propone il Master Class organizzato a Bruxelles tre volte l'anno: formazione specialistica su come utilizzare le opportunità di finanziamento dell'Unione Europea grazie ai programmi centralizzati.
Internet Web Solutions è un fornitore leader di tecnologie dell'informazione (IT) e servizi di ingegneria con sede a Malaga. Il suo business plan ha ricevuto il premio della città di Madrid al Concorso Nazionale di Business sponsorizzato da IdeCesem Business School. Internet Web Solutions è specializzata nei settori come Professional Web Design, Sviluppo Web, Sviluppo Software, Soluzioni E-Commerce, progetti di E-learning e SEO strategie. Fornisce anche soluzioni di marketing on-line e servizi di traduzione di qualità. Internet Web Solutions fornisce high-tech, web design personalizzato e di qualità, servizi di Sviluppo Web e Software in outsourcing con le più recenti tecnologie Web, in particolare, PHP, Java Script, AJAX e DHTML IT lingue. Internet Web Solutions dispone di un team orientato ai risultati sotto una divisione unica che comprende Software / Web / Creative designer, sviluppatori, esperti SEO, programmatori, sviluppatori di software e professionisti del marketing. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di rendere la tecnologia più accessibile al pubblico generale e quello specializzato.
Agency of Adult and Continuing Education (AEWB)
In 2004/05 the Government of Lower Saxony and the Lower Saxonian Adult Education Association (nbeb) established the Agency of Adult and Continuing Education (AEWB) to support the work of adult education providers in the state.
According to the Lower Saxonian Adult Education Act of 2004, the AEWB is the central service organisation for all adult education providers in Lower Saxony elligible to public co-funding by the state. It is central to the provision of staff training for adult education providers as well as responsible for quality management and consulting among its member institutions and for networking, development and innovation in the area of adult education.
AEWB has been involved in EU-funded projects since 2012, both as coordinator and partner.
CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research
CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research is an independent, non-profit research institute founded on the idea that research-based policy-making is vital for the economic welfare of societies. Established in Warsaw in 1991, CASE today is recognized as the top think tank in Central and Eastern Europe and is one of the most highly regarded think tanks internationally. CASE carries out policy-oriented research and development assistance projects, specializing in the areas of: 1) Fiscal, monetary and financial policies 2) Sustainable development policies 3) Trade, innovation and productivity policies. Drawing on an experienced in-house staff, a network of fellows, and a database of approximately 1,000 experts, CASE provides rigorous quantitative and qualitative analyses, innovative methodologies, and sound recommendations.
CASE expert team combines a diverse knowledge of professional and qualitative research techniques and proficiency in data analysis and interpretation. CASE has conducted numerous studies and economic analysis in various research areas, widely using various state-of-the-art economic models, modern empirical methods, econometric analysis tools, and providing both academic research in the form of reports (methodological, technical, analytical) and policy recommendations structured along the relevant research questions (in the form of policy oriented working papers, policy e-briefs, publications). Broad experience of CASE experts in provision of reports and policy recommendations guarantees precise analytical thinking, broad viewpoint on the research concept and research deliverables of the highest quality.
Our Europe — CASE Strategy for the biennium 2019-2020. The mission Our Europe means promoting the understanding of the value (but also the limits) of an economically and institutionally-integrated Europe, and, in particular, the membership of Poland and other CEECs in the EU, and providing high quality evidence and advice in support of better future EU policy making. The debate on the future of the EU gets increasingly political and evidence is often either not provided or swept under the carpet. The CASE mission statement builds on working closely with European stakeholders and providing evidence on European policy issues, and it connects these activities to our local mission of promoting good economic policy in Poland and the CEECs.
IHF, Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl
IHF, Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl, is a non profit organisation established in Brussels (Belgium) in 2003. The principal aim of IHF is to provide the community (including non profit and local authorities) with assistance for the development of a wider international cooperation through activities of specialised training on European policies and the dissemination of European values.
One of the means to reach this objective is the organisation of highly specialised courses and seminars focused at the development of European projects.
The courses focus on EU Policies and Legislation, International Relations and Project Management, promoting the possibility to participate in EU-funded programmes.IHF organises also study groups to Brussels for young graduates, local authorities representatives, SMEs, Universities, promoting mobility activities at different training levels.
Since 2004 IHF organised more than 40 study visits to Brussels for more than 500 people.IHF took part as associate partner in previous EU funded projects, contributing mainly to Disseminaton and exploitation activities.
IHF provides further assistance through continuous monitoring of EU legislation and European Institution activities, and consequent spread of related information, assistance in the search for partners and building up of networks.Thanks to its presence in Brussels IHF asbl developed relevant experience in the organisation of Dissemination and Valorisation activities at EU level, through contacts with MEPs, other European associations and Institutions, stakeholders, consumers groups etc.
Maynooth University - National University of Ireland Maynooth
The last two decades have seen Maynooth University grow rapidly in scale and stature. Today, with more than 11,000 students and extensive research activities. The university is a wonderful place to learn, the teaching is excellent, delivered by leading international researchers who are committed and connect to their students.
Department of Adult and Community Education
Established in 1975 National University Maynooth Department of Adult and Community Education is the only academic department that specialises in adult education in Ireland, and it is at the forefront of teaching, training, research and development. We believe that education is a fundamental human right and collaborative, critical adult education has the power to transform individuals and change society for the better
Neamt County School Inspectorate
Neamt County School Inspectorate entrusts four institutional pylons: THE STUDENTS, THE TEACHER, THE SCHOOL and THE COMMUNITY, having as main aim their personal and professional development.The four elements – school, students, teachers and community – contribute to educating and training citizens whereas ISJ reaches the standards of excellence, enhancing the trust of the beneficiaries through a qualitative educational offer to be the basis of our people’s supreme investment in the future.
Neamt County School Inspectorate (ISJ) is the institution to apply the Ministry of Education educational policies, valuing the creative potential of the children, youth, teachers and creating the premises of personal development of the adults in order to give meaning to the aspirations and personal goals throughout their life.
A. Institutional management: HR Management, HR Development (AE), Educational projects (including AE), Minorities (including AE).
B. Curriculum and school inspection: school subjects (curricular areas and school subjects) and monitoring the programmes for the equal access to education.